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    Epilepsy in Hong Kong: Some Facts & Figures

    by paadmin

    Epilepsy is One of the Most Common Brain Disorders in Hong Kong

    • 1 in 20 persons has seizure during his/her lifetime.
    • It is estimated that there are 60,000 -70,000 persons with epilepsy in Hong Kong. Epilepsy affects people of different ages and all walks of life. [1]
    • 70-80% of persons with epilepsy can be free of seizures with medications.
    • The rest are subject to frequent seizures which adversely affect their quality of life with potential risks of injuries and death.

    Misconceptions about Epilepsy and its First Aid Management

    • There is a prevailing myth that consumption of mutton during pregnancy causes epilepsy.
    • More than 50% of the respondents had a misconception of putting an object in the mouth of a person during seizure attack as a first aid, according to a survey in Hong Kong. [2]

    Inadequate Support Available to Service Providers

    • Not many teachers and social workers had received formal training on handling students or service users with epilepsy.
    • Nearly 80% of the educational institutions and social service organisations lacked guidelines on helping persons with epilepsy. [3]

    Renaming of the Chinese Name of Epilepsy in 2010

    • The attempt of renaming epilepsy in Chinese is aimed not just to enhance public understanding and rectify misconception, but also to promote early medical consultation among persons with epilepsy and their positive a living with the illness. The renaming campaign is greatly supported by the Food and Health Bureau and Hospital Authority.

    Sources of information:

    1. Fong GC, Kwan P, Hui AC, Lui CH, Fong JK, Wong V. An epidemiological study of epilepsy in Hong Kong SAR, China. Seizure. 2008 Jul;17(5):457-64. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2007.12.005. Epub 2008 Feb 7. PMID: 18261935.
    2. Fong, C. Y. G., & Hung, A. (2002). Public awareness, attitude, and understanding of epilepsy in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China. Epilepsia,43(3), 311-316.
    3. 「老師社工相關訓練少 腦癇兒童 常被誤判頑皮」 (2012年12月12日 AM730,健康版)

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